'Ten Thousand Thoughts' exhibition opens at Anise Gallery, 13A Shad Thames, London
'Ten Thousand Thoughts' is a hand-constructed immersive light installation - read more about it on Esther Rolinson's website. Art Critic Tabish Khan nominates 'Ten Thousand Thoughts' as one of the top 5 London exhibitions for December. At Anise Gallery, 13A Shad Thames, until January 2020.
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'Luminations' - Cleethorpes Seafront
Esther Rolinson has been commissioned by North East Lincolnshire Council to make a to make a 700m light work for Cleethorpes Promenade.
Arts Council England Award
Esther Rolinson has been awarded her 5th Arts Council England Award to make her series of works 'Ten Thousand Thoughts' that will be developed over the next year.
Musgrove Park Hospital
Esther Rolinson's work as lead artist for Musgrove Park Hospital’s £80 miliion Surgical Building continues to develop with the design team with plans underway for significant contributions to internal interior design, exterior facade and a major new sculptural installation.
Interalia Magazine interviews Esther Rolinson in the November Issue
Richard Bright interviews Esther Rolinson about her art practice for Interalia Magazine - November issue. Interalia is an online magazine dedicated to the interactions between the arts, sciences and consciousness.
Read the interview
© Esther Rolinson 2019